HypoThermosol® FRS for hair

Part Number: 101102

Product description

HypoThermosol® FRS is specifically formulated to support tissue samples during hypothermic (+2°C to +8°C) storage and address the stresses of hypothermia with balanced ions and molecules, targeted pH buffering, and potent free radical scavengers that reduce hair follicle cell death via apoptosis and necrosis.

HypoThermosol FRS is pre-formulated to meet USP Sterility and USP Endotoxin testing standards, and is manufactured per cGMP standards to be:

  • Pre-Formulated
  • Serum-Free
  • Protein-Free
  • USP/Highest Quality Components


Note: A $200 minimum spend is required to checkout.

Product Specifications

Hair graft storage solutions typically fall into the category of 'isotonic solutions,' containing a blend of saline and modified cell culture media. Originally designed to support cells at regular body temperatures, these solutions have found application in hair transplantation. Grafts are commonly preserved in a hypothermic state (between +2°C to +8°C), which reduces metabolic activity and leverages the protective benefits of colder temperatures on graft cells and tissues.

To learn more, check out: hypothermosolforhair.com 

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